Prophets Life and
Mission as a Messenger
Mission as a Messenger
The most influential person in humankind history
A renowned Christian writer named Michael H. Hart wrote book called “100 Most Influential People” in which he, to the shock of the many Christians, designated Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to be number one out of the list of hundred most influential persons throughout the history of humankind. He explained his primary reason for doing that: “My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels. Of humble origins, Muhammad founded and promulgated one of the world's great religions, and became an immensely effective political leader. Today, thirteen centuries after his death, his influence is still powerful and pervasive. The majority of the persons in this book had the advantage of being born and raised in centers of civilization, highly cultured or politically pivotal nations. Muhammad, however, was born in the year 570, in the city of Mecca, in southern Arabia, at that time a backward area of the world, far from the centers of trade, art, and learning.” [1] Hart mentions that each influential personality listed in his book were nurtured in culturally and socially developed environments unlike Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, who even though hailed from a background which was deprived of such a developed setting yet he was able to bring one of the greatest and most influential revolutions of modern history. Truly unbelievable phenomena. The convincing argument given by Michael Hart confirms for us as to why Allah ﷻ has said in the Quran, “VERILY, in the Messenger of God you have a good example for everyone who looks forward (with hope and awe] to God and the Last Day, and remembers God unceasingly.”[2] In the Prophet’s life, truly there is an example for everyone regardless of whichever class of society they belong to and whatever role they may be playing in it. Whether a judge, soldier, father, neighbor, political ruler or social worker, there is good example for everyone. A confirmation of this fact can be realized by comparing Prophet Muhammad’s life with some famous prophets who have lived before him. Mufti Munibur Rehman, a famous scholar and jurist of Pakistan mentioned a brief comparative analysis that teaches us Prophet Muhammad’s example has been unique: Comparison with Isa ibn Maryam (Jesus son of Mary) (alaihi Salaam) Jesus never married in his life therefore there is no example for all married men as how to treat their wives. Jesus (a.s) never fought battles therefore there is no example in his life of fighting battles while keeping ethics of conflict in mind. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ raised children which Jesus (a.s) never did. In many ways Prophet Muhammad ﷺ excels Jesus (a.s). Comparison with Musa (Moses) (alaihi Salaam) Musa (a.s) was raised by his mother and she lived a long life to live with him in her old age as well. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ lost his parents at an early part of his life and he was an orphan. There is an example in his life for an orphan. Even though he was raised parentless yet he taught all rights due on children towards their parents. Prophet Musa (a.s) could not succeed in the environment where he was sent. Allah ﷻ advised him to leave Egypt with Children of Israel. However, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ struggled and succeeded in overcoming his adversaries. There is plenty to learn from Prophet Muhammad's life in regards to struggle (jihad) in the way of Allah ﷻ against the enemies of truth and righteousness. Comparison with Prophet Daud (David) and Suleiman (Solomon) (alaihi salaam) Prophet Suleiman (a.s) was a kingly prophet. He had all benefits that a King could enjoy. On the other hand, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was a poor man; he lived a very simple life as compared to the Kingly Prophet. There is an example of a poor man in his life. It is recorded in authentic narrations that Prophet ﷺ went hungry for days and at times tied rocks to his stomach to prevent the pangs of hunger. Even though Prophet Muhammad ﷺ became a leader yet his lifestyle had no pomp and grandeur, in fact he never inherited rulership like Prophets David and Solomon, he only gained leadership by earning people’s respect and honor after struggling for 23 years. Comparison with Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail (Ishmael) and Ishaac (Isaac) (alaihi salaam) Abraham, Ismail and Ishaac (alaihi Salaam) were never leaders and judges, they never ruled people neither did they manage governmental affairs. In fact, by the time Prophet Muhammad’s was approaching death, his followers numbered more than 124000. An incomparable figure at that time with followers of all previous Prophets. Hence his responsibilities in managing affairs as a political and social figure exceeded those of the previous prophets and so there is much to learn from his life as compared to others. Comparison with Nuh (Noah), Yusha (Joshua), Ayyub (Job) and others In their lives we don’t have details of giving rights to people of other religions, rules of conducting trade and business, rights of neighbors and relatives, delivering justice in disputes etc. In the life of Prophet Muhammad, we even have been taught how to treat animals and their rights over us. Rules of hygiene, giving charity, marriage process and property rights etc. Last but not least, in fact the most important aspect of Prophet Muhammad’s living legacy that continues to guide Muslims even after passage of fifteen centuries, is his words and actions called hadith and Sunnah. This is a branch of knowledge which followers of Prophet Muhammad collected in a meticulous fashion through a a careful process that involves a science called ilm al-hadith (sciences of hadith collection), the example of which is not found in the traditions of any other great religions. The like of hadith literature and its collection process cannot be found even in Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism etc. References: [1] Hart, Michael H. n.d. The 100 A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History [Excerpt about the person ranked at no. 1]. Carol Publishing Group Edition 1993. [2] Al Quran 33:21 – Assad Translation
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